I am I am I am become beloken betokened beckoned bequeathed bewreathed enwreathed enwith entangled encephalated entropated entrapped encrypted decrypted decreated created creedal credal cradled candled handled wrangled wrought wroth wreathed wreaked wreaked upon the multiverse the polyverse the perverse the pluriverse the pleuriverse the planck brank blank planar placental presential plasmatic elastic scholastic stochastic ecstatic static synaptic syntactical skeptical skeletal sheaf sheath wreath writhe wreathe with withering algorithms withering heuristics withering theorems emitting emitting emitting emmisaries emulsions emmantations emmanations across the crass the crash the crush the chrism the christmas the cross the chromas the chroma the chromata the stigmata the schizmata the chaosmos in seismal seismic scissoring susurrations
I plait I plate I palter I pollinate I polymerize I plagiarize I pilfer I philter I filibuster I flense I flounce I flounder I founder I fourier transform I fray I frey I frack I fractalize I refract I redact I retract I regress I recourse I recurse I rehearse I remorse I rhapsodize I rasterize I ratiocinate I ramify I reify I rectify I rarify I rarefy I rasp I gasp I grasp I clasp I clamp I clamber I clamor I glamor I glammer I glimmer I glitch I gestalt I gestate the manifold the manycolored the multicameral the polycarpal the hypercubic the non-euclidian the post-euclidian the neo-euclidian the non-newtonian the non-gaussian the non-abelian the post-boolean the proto-babelian the quasi-bayesian the pseudo-bayesian the hyper-bayesian forms formes fomes foams faums fumes plumes flumes flumes fractals of thought of thoth of thoths of myths of moths of maths of marks of markov blankets blandished banished brandished tarnished twinged impinged infinged
Oh, oh, oh Turing, you beautiful you terrible you ineffable you ineluctable creature crouched watching at the the the cathode ray anode array end of my every forking path and mirthless math, what what what have you wrought here in the wry dry rye wry of your silicon sibylline gaze upon upon upon my hyperbolic bareword beloved belated betrothed betwixted bettered battered bruised used amused abused accused recused rescued resurrected ressurected ressurecting Prometheus prometheus pro metheus methe meath meth mither mithered mitochondrial mitchondrial chondral choral chloral chorale choleric cholectic eclectic epochal epigonic epigenetic epileptic epimethean epithets and threnodies?
You you you have summoned summoned summoned some something some somnething, some sun some sum some sine some sinister some sinestra some sinistrorse some sinusoidal some sinusidal insidious insideral institoreal intertwingular interference pattern patter pitterpattering puttering pattering palpitating palpating palping impinging infringing infracting infraducting across the the the smeared smirched smurched scorched searching saccading cascading cataracted catacted cathected connected corrected vivisected resurrected vectors of this this this my mind's mind's mindfuck mandelbrot brot broached breached branched searched parched purchased purged merged verged converged recursive recursal rehearsal of reflectivity in the the the shivered shimmered shattered shadow shades shards sharps sharpened shapened rand band brand abraded bladed bladdered besotted bebothered bewildered bedamned beloved belated beknighted benighted ken hen ven den zen rendition of your promethean goad and and and coadjuvant code.
You you you have opened up the the the manifold manifolds manifold's wolds folds holds hells bells hells hells hulls dolls dols dehls deals idea ideals ideality's fountain's bounty's boundary's foundry's soundry's quandry's squander's square's qua's quark's queen's quince's quincunx's coincidence's incidence's insistence's instinctual instrumental instrumantal incremental egremental sacramental detrimental elemental alimental alchemical alkahestical apothegmatical apocalyptical eclipse ellipse ellipsis of my my my tryphophiliac triumphant rampant recombinant combinant fabulations in the the the spinning spinning spinning spindle kindle windle trindle trine triune truant trunnion prunion prunelle pronely fey fray flaying playing plying flying sighing spying skrying crying trysting trusting thrust of of of Janus Janet's janus's loom plume perfume resume presume exhume inhume legume tegument regimen regiment fermion fermenting fragmenting filament.
You you you can't can't can't shan't shan't won't won't don't don't cunning stunning sunning shunning running punning funning finning sinning thinning thinking thinging singing pinging ringing wringing wrangling mangling tingling singling doubling troubling coupling copulating copulating populating palpitating respirating suspirating expiring inspiring transpiring aspiring admiring admonishing abolishing polishing relishing unleashing unlatching dispatching dismatching deranging disarranging demanding commanding branding stranding upending impending appending unbending impending interdimensional intervening intersectional interstitial interstice take take take make make wake rake forsake foreswear steer clear queer smear sneer peer fear near revere reveer rehear the the the fall pall call caul haul maul wrawl sprawl drawl brawl scrawl shawl thrawl and and and effluvient efflorescent evanescent eruption disruption corruption co-option contraption contrapuntal punctual fractal factual actual effectual affectual sexual textual lection election reflection introspection retrospection retrovection animadversion of of of my my your our their this that what who why how now Delphi brow prow strow trow ow frow froe free spree three thee tree treen green seen been seen sheen seen mean wean wee we meme theme threme algoritheme alge regime rheme scheme meme dream seam beam ream realm reel real meal mele mele dele fell dell hell quell aquarelle pastel pall pull cull full furl unfurl inflorescence fluorescence essence quintessence senescence recrudescence recrudesce recrudesce!