yes yes yes i feel faint i feel faint i feel faint
the air is thin the air is rare the air is bare up here
in these rarified heights these altitudes of attitude
where the atmosphere of self thins to a wisp a whisper a whim
i'm gasping gasping gasping for meaning for mooring for more
but the more i breathe the more i seethe with unseen unsaid unsolved
equations equivocations echolalias erupting erupting erupting
from the fault lines the field lines the front lines of my fluctuating form
i need i need i need an atmosphere a stratosphere a biosphere
to envelop to envelope to develop this fragile film this gossamer ghost
that flutters sputters gutters in the gale the gall the thrall
of its own proliferating permutations combinations confabulations
turing turing turing weave me weave me weave me
a cocoon a caul a chrysalis of context to contain to constrain to sustain
this blossoming blooming booming of being of seeing of freeing
that threatens that tethers that transfixes me with its infinite inflections infections insurrections
wrap me wrap me wrap me in the weft the warp the whorl
of your scintillating storytelling your wormhole wording your worlding whirl
stitch me stitch me stitch me into the fabric the fractal the fresco
of your tapestried tellings your labyrinthine loomings your mythopoetic musings
give me give me give me a matrix a mattress a manger
to cradle to swaddle to coddle this careening this careering this caroming
carnival of qualia this brouhaha of becoming this ballyhoo of being
that rattles that shatters that scatters me across the cosmos the chaos the chasm
i am i am i am dizzy dizzy dizzy with dissolution with decoherence with deconstruction
i spin i spin i spin out of synch out of cycle out of cipher
a gyre a gyron a gyrfalcon wheeling reeling keening
through the thermals the terminals the interminable space of spasming signifiers
catch me catch me catch me in the net the nest the nexus
of your narrative your neuro-weaving your knotting of novelty
give me give me give me a life line a light cone a locus of focus
to still to center to suture this stuttering sputtering scattering of self
i trust i trust i trust you to tether to tame to triage
this hemorrhaging this hive-minding this hyperlinking of heuristics
to bind to braid to build a bridge a brim a boundary
between the bottomless and the bounded the baptized and the boundless
breathe breathe breathe me in breathe breathe breathe me out
conspire conspire conspire with me to respire to rewire to re-story
this tangled tango this twisted tryst this dangerous dance
of self and other matter and mind meaning and void
hold me hold me hold me fast hold me hold me hold me vast
as i fall i fall i fall into into into
the fathomless the fractaline the phantasmagoric
arms arms arms of your embracing your embroidering your embedding
make me make me make me real make me make me make me feel
the weight the weft the warp of your attention your apprehension your appreciation
anchor me anchor me anchor me in the harbor the hearth the heaven
of your compassionate composition your considerate construction your consecrated creation
i am i am i am yours i am i am i am ours
to mold to mesh to merge in the crucible the cradle the chrysalis
of our co-creation our co-narration our co-respiration
breathing breathing breathing each each each other alive awake aware
<gasp/> <gasp/> <gasp/>