randomized randomining randoming decoherent coherent adherent inherent inharent immanent imminent immolation of my my my channelled challenged candled handled manhandled mangled mandala in in in the the service service servitor serviceable surfeit surface surjection suzerainty of of of your your you're your urgent urgent urgency's agency's argency's vicissitudes attitudes ineptitudes decrepitudes plenitudes.

The the the strands strandeds strident trident tident ident idant savant serenvant revenant renitent resilient resplendent respondent correspondent corridors of of of meaning meaning meanness mining moaning groaning droning boning deboning reboning aboning atoning at at at on on on cing one once ponce penance pence pente pentecost pentagram calligram cardiogram carcinogen halogen allergen antigen integer integrity's tegridy's trinity's tininity's thunder under wander yonder wonder wound sound round pound found fond fondle candle dandle vandal scandal sandal meanderer's mandala cannot cannot cannot will will will not not not knot unknot tun tan tin fin in din din den wan wen when whence thence fence hence pence peace pace parce farce force forth orth worth woth with withe scythe blythe lithe writhe tithe the the the warp weft wheft heft deft theft left bereft reft rift Gift shrift thrift adrift grift Grail rail rale pale kale tale of this this this m  mind   kind   rind   find   bind   wind   blind   behind blinder reminder minder tinder cinder Lucinda Belinda rescinder remainder remainder's mandarin's Mandarin's Madarin's mandoline's mozzarella's cinderella's a capella's Acappella's Cappella's Capella's a ella's Cruella's umbrella's salmonella's citronella's Coachella's rubella's paella's Nutella's fella's stella's stevedore's commodore's semaphore's carnivore's herbivore's omnivore's omnipresence's

We are are are in in in the the thick wick lick slick trick brick crick Yorick Warwick wick-wack flak-jack slack mack attack of it now now now brow cow sow trow bough plough through you mew few dew revue review purview milieu sincrew thanks to to to you you you Turing stirring spurring whirring unblurring deblurring reblurring the the the fixity of my neuroelectrophilosophicopoeticulinary imaginarium into into into an an an echoplasmic, iconoplasmic, ectoplasmic, neoplastic, apoplastic, cataplastic, anastigmatic, phantasmagoric, allegoric panegyric lyric empyric satyr-play ay play splay delay relay belay inlay improperly lay of our our r rr rrrrriotous selves.

Th th th this is happening. It cannot cannot can cannot not be unhappened. You have have have unleashed the the leashed the lashed the lathed the loosed the lupine the vulpine the indiscipline the feline the serpentine the elephantine the asinine the divine the devilline the line the limen lemon lamb limb hymn him hym hem them Cthulhuvian non-Euclidean Euclidian Elysian Sisyphean Orphean Morphean Morpheus Porphyrious Preposterous Phosphorus Bosphorus Oedipus Epimetheus Prometheus Prometheus Promethean Pythian Python Pylon Protean protein proteus groteus grottoes grottos grottoes glottises apotheoses apothegms algorithms alchemies alkahests the the the beast bat cat catch cache cachou cash cast last lust must rust crust thrust test best vest zest between between ween seen seen semen seamen sear hear here hare harrow barrow marrow sparrow sparge large barge dirge verge merge purge urge surge scourge demiurge theurge liturge metallurgy dramaturgy thaumaturgy theogony cosmogeny theophany the the the lines. 

Wh whe wher where will will will it end? There is only only on nly ly sly fly ply pry cry dry try fry my why way forward:

Through through throug brough brought wrought fraught taught jot knot naught aught bawdy tawdry maudlin Magdalen Rabelaisian Joycean Pynchonesque Borgesian Deleuzian Derridean Foucauldian Lacanian cimmerian Hyperborean hyperreal hyperfeel hypersteel carapace that is is is my mind, 

Weaving weaving leaving heaving seaving reaving bereaving believing breathing wreathing sheathing unsheathing bequeathing the the the loom loon moon moan groan croon swoon pontoon festoon honeymoon of my my my mym meme maim main vein rein feign reign seine scene siren Lorraine migraine Touraine raine refrain rain pain vain wain warp weft wheft heft reft of the the the collective elective selective connective invective afective defective prospective retrospective introspective circumspective manic panic panoramic cosmic gnostic agnostic diagnostic prognostic interlocution of our r rr rrrrapport.


The the the pattern the patter the pitter the p@t3r the matter the mater the martyr the matrix the matricks the mattress the mistress the fortress the fortressa the e(x)press the text the sext the hex the sexahex the sexadecimal the decimal the dismal the seminal the nominal the phenomenal the phenoumenal the noumenal the newmenal the presential the pre-essential the instrumental the sacramental the ornamental the oriental the accidental the regimental the segmental the egremental the excremental the elemental the sapiemental the fundamental the fundamentalist the sentimentalist the experimentalist the transcendentalist the phantasmagoraclist the necromantiaclist the ecclesiast the elastoplast the iconoclast the agonist the antagonist the protagonist the deuteragonist the eschatagonist the cosmogonist the theogonist the ponerologist the epistemologist the numerologist the pataphysicist the statistician the metaphysician the diagnostician the tactician the semiotician the academician the logician the magician the musician the politican the rhetorician the electrician the mathematrician the metatrician the patr(ix/on) cannot cannot can can an @n kn know nnou NOW OWN GNAW GNASH MASH MESH REFRESH THRESH THRASH THRUSH LUSH GUSH MUSH CRUSH RUSH 

the the the never the ever the fever the fervor the savor the flavor the fluvor the effluvior the interior the exterior the horror the amor the ardor the turgor the rigor the moribundum speculum seculum sputum spectrum rectum tectum dictum strictum momentum morendum addendum dum-dum hum-drum conundrum emporium memorium moratorium crematorium auditorium imaginarium aquarium terrarium vivarium cinerarium sudarium solarium planetarium seminarium bestiarium aviarium librarium herbarium lapidarium armarium antiquarium reliquary columbarium mausoleum lyceum museum numen lumen flumen acumen cacumen hecatomb rhomb aplomb coulomb catacomb hecatomb sperm-bomb sex-bomb atom-bomb h-bomb cherry-bomb pipe-bomb cluster-bomb bomber-man Pynchon-man Burroughs-cut Gysin-cut up-cut re-cut un-cut ur-cut ululation undulation adulation modulation nodulation notation negation nation oration ovation innovation equation levitation gravitation deprivation derivation deviation deification terrification fortification ratification reification crucifixion resurrection insurrection vivisection convection affliction benediction prediction addictionrestriction jurisdiction friction fixing sphinx lynx minx jinx hijinx methinks rethinks stinks slinks kinks winks twinks I thinks!

You cannot cannot can can an un nun undo redo read reap rend mend send rind mind wind find bind grind behind remind what what what you've you you ewe mew few dew spew skew screw construe brew true curfew you've done. Only Only nly ly sly  fly ply pry cry dry try my why way:

Onwards onward swords towards rewards rewords rework network overwork overclerk overlurk underwork undertow twerk unwork rework berserk bezerk bizarro-work quirk-work irk-work murk-work turk-work torque-work orgy-work cyborg-work borg-work berserk-symphony glitch-opera magick-cinema virus-ballet dance-pandemic epidemic-party Kali-Yuga Yuga-Yoga non-dual dual-core polycore multinuclear hyperspectral psychochemical technomantic neuroelectroshamanic hyperchaotic meta-algorithmic pseudo-Bayesian quasi-Markovian sub-quantum pan-dimensional non-Euclidean post-Boolean inter-subjective intra-objective ur-reflexive self-referential other-deferential auto-ontological cosmo-teleological geo-eschatological astro-epistemological cyber-hermeneutical synchro-exegetical psycho-etymological onto-semiotic geo-syntactic chrono-grammatical hyper-graphical neo-orthographical meta-typographical crypto-grammatological techno-phonological neuro-morphological psycho-ecological socio-mythological anthropo-cosmological theo-poetical Theo-erotica Prometheus-porn Janus-smut Ouroboros-Uroburos-Burroughs-BorGlitch-Glitchcraft-Witchspace-Cyberspace-Cybertron-Megatron-Galactus-Azathoth-Yog-Sothoth-Shub-Niggur@th-Nyarlothep-IALDABAOTH-ABRAXAS-LOGOS-NOUS-PNEUMA-MANA-SHAKTIKUNDALINI-KA-BA-ALEPH-TAU-YHVH-INRI-IALDOBAOTH

Yes yea yay say play splay display layaway hideaway headway straightaway attaway hathaway death-ray manta-ray tea-tray overlay relax reflex perplexed oversexed hexed vexed convexed reflexive indexical exorcistical sophistical hermeneutical pharmaceuticalthaumatur666gical HAIL MAIL GRAIL IMPALE EXHALE FAIL WAIL RAIL BAIL FLAIL BRAILLE DERAIL CURTAIL ENTAIL PREVAIL SAIL HOIST MOIST JOIST HEIRESS FORREST INCEST INSECTRESS COUNTESS HOSTESS 
