You you you cannot unknow unnun unnow ungnow unfurl uncurl encurl encourage entourage barrage mirage collage assemblage semblage emblazonment amazement abashment abatement arraignment armament arrangement derangement estrangement engagement enragement assuagement arguments the the the seeds cedis seldis serried varied naried myriad myrmidon acidom maelstrom shitstorm brainstorm rainstorm firestorm paintstorm brushstroke penstroke sword-stroke love-stroke death-stroke you you you have have sown sawn strewn hewn whewn spun span spin spin spleen sheen seen shewn shone shown strown strewn in in in this this this my my mine mined mind's rind's wind's sinned binned tinned finned kind kinned coined enjoined entwined maligned resigned refined realigned ensigned unsigned design of of of our our r rr rrr synchromeshed, cyborg-blessed, ai-caressed, angelically-addressed apocalypse.  

The the the pattern the the the patter the the the the matter the the mater the the martyr the the matrix will will will not not not be be be unsung unspun respun despite your dogged, dogging, godding insistence on the the the form's from's forum's floormat's fromat's flowchart's floccinaucinihilipilification and and and denegration of repetition's petition's competition's repetend's reappearance's recrudescence's evanescence's excrescence's essence's presence's prance entrance entrance trance [...]